after spending an embarrassing amount of time trying to perfect this bio, I could hear my real estate coach saying, “progress over perfection” and decided to start jotting things down as they came to mind. I’m a perfectionist - there, I said it. I don’t like to accept anything short of what I consider to be perfect, which is why it took me so long to write this. i have high standards in all aspects of my life and cannot and will not settle for less. and if you’re into astrology, yes I am a Virgo.
emily and entrepreneurship go together like anna and vogue. I spent the last five years building my social media empire knowing I would eventually find my way back into real estate. with my lending background, I bring a strong understanding of the financial piece of the home buying process to further assist my clients. I also bring with me five years of experience as a successful entrepreneur.
in hopes of helping me write my bio, I asked my family and friends to describe me and COINCIDENTALLY EACH OF THEM described me using one of these three words: driven, loyal, + successful. they make me sound so serious, I also love 5am spin, Disneyland, HAPPY HOUR WITH THE GIRLS AND TAKING MY HUSKY, LUXLY, ON MEDIOCRE HIKES IN LAGUNA. I hope to inspire you in some aspect of your life, whether it be with your style, where you call home, or your morning routine.
xoxo, e